The Project

Reimagining Greyfriars
Reimagining Greyfriars is a project by Heritage Lincolnshire in partnership City of Lincoln Council that is traqnsforming the forgotten building of Greyfriars into a top-class venue for events and activities.
After an inititial development grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund with match from the Architectural Heritage Fund and the Pilgrim Trust a total figure of over £3 million has been secured to bring Greyfriars back to life.

The project will make this complex and highly significant site as accessible as possible meaning anyone who visits can experience the history and beauty of its unique spaces.

There is a lot of work to do in the coming months. The building will be transformed into a multi-functional and sustainable space which will be used as a venue for weddings and other events, exhibitions, conferences, traditional crafts courses, school visits, with an in-house café for visitors. Greyfriars is set to open late 2025!

As part of the project there will be a series of events and activities for yo to get involved with. Check out our events calendar to see what is going on! If you would like to volunteer as part of the Greyfriars Reimagined project click on the volunteer button below to learn more.
Heritage Lincolnshire has been working with City of Lincoln Council since 2017 to identify a new, viable use for Greyfriars. This partnership with continue throughout the project with Heritage Lincolnshire taking on the running of the site after completion.

Donate to the project
We are thankful for the private donations to our project which help to create more opportunities for people to get involved in the future. If you would like to donate, please follow the link below.